Budget Tools: Make It Easy

Presented by TP Mechanical | Provided by HORAN

Financial Health ConceptIf you don’t enjoy crunching numbers and sticking to budgets, there are a variety of budgeting tools available that can help make budgeting—and improving financial health—easy, and maybe even fun.

Apps – Easy and convenient, an app on your mobile device can help you track your budgeting and savings goals. Many different apps are available—for example, Mint (www.mint.com) tracks expenses according to category, and Check (https://check.me) helps you meet bills’ due dates.

Online calculators – Basic online budget calculators can help you see where your money goes. You can spend a few minutes entering numbers into budget categories to give yourself a good overview of your finances. Simply search online for “budget calculator” to find a calculator that works for you.

Automatic transfers – The easiest way to increase your savings is to make it automatic and painless. Simply set up an automatic deposit to a savings account and then check in from time to time to see how a little bit each month can add up to great savings.