Safety is a team effort

bigstock-Safety-First-Vector-7506065Superintendents can’t be everywhere at once. That’s why TP Mechanical works tirelessly to empower our employees to protect themselves and each other.

Safety is a team effort

One of the most effective strategies contributing to our safety success is our Job Safety Analysis (JSA) procedure. Recent reports indicate that 76% of injuries on the job are caused by inattention and complacency of workers on the site. The JSA is a critical tool in combatting inattention.

The TP Safety Department, in conjunction with Superintendent and Project Management, helped create a streamlined, user-friendly JSA document to help save superintendents valuable time. Together with intensive employee education and open lines of communication between team leader and team member, our JSA procedure is swift, thorough and effective.

The conditions on any given job site are constantly changing, requiring relentless vigilance on the part of every man and woman present. It’s our belief that the responsibility for safety rests with every team member in the field.

Heightened environmental awareness means workers take the appropriate precautions to keep their areas hazard-free. TP Mechanical trains all employees on every aspect of jobsite safety, while emphasizing the fine points of their specific trades or assignments. When TP Mechanical is on the job, the workers know their areas as thoroughly as their supervisors, allowing them to take ownership of their protection.

Before daily work begins, superintendents walk the job site, reviewing a checklist specific to every trade or specialty present. They then meet with team members in every area to discuss the hazards and safety procedures related to the work they will do that day. Workers are asked to communicate any issues they have identified. This back-and-forth communication ensures that every individual is on the same page and working to eliminate potential hazards before they can become accidents. Last but not least, every team member in a designated work area must sign the JSA at the beginning and end of every work session.

The TP Mechanical commitment to safety begins with the belief, dedication and unwavering support of upper management and the true abilities of all TP employees to embrace our company’s first core value of “Safety First, Always First.” With a strong belief in this, all TP employees exemplify how safety should be conducted throughout the industry. The ongoing evaluations and feedback provided by TP employees allows our company to be a front runner in safety.

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